Thursday, 3 September 2009


A great offer from Nottingham Playhouse. Get your pass and enjoy incredible offers including up to 50% off for selected productions, exclusive events and discounts at Cast Restaurant and Saltwater Bar and Restaurant. Contact the Box Office for details of how to join.

As well as you benefiting, your local Arts Council Playhouse gets your support. Nottingham Playhouse Trust is a not-for-profit organisation.

What Nottingham Playhouse does for the community :

"Nottingham Playhouse is one of the UK’s pre-eminent regional theatres. Until recently, organisations such as Nottingham Playhouse were recognised for the excellence of their artistic work alone, but it is now acknowledged by the Government, the Arts Councils and the theatre industry that the very best theatres will have a significant economic and social impact as well. In Nottingham Playhouse’s case this is worth nearly £13m every year."
Professor Dominic Shellard, Economic Impact Study, Nottingham Playhouse Trust Ltd

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